Puppy Socialization
Socialization has two aspects. It is about the positive way a puppy adjusts to the different elements in her life, such as people, dogs,...
Seperation Anxiety & how to deal with it
What is Separation Anxiety? Canine separation anxiety is a neurological distress response to: separation from the person to whom the dog...

What to Do if Your Housetrained Dog Pees or Poops Indoor
When Your Dog Pees in His New Home Some dogs, especially male dogs, start life in a new adoptive home by marking every vertical surface...

Satin Balls Recipes
Satin Balls appear to have developed in the show community, as an uncooked, homemade dog food to improve coats and put weight on a skinny...

Homemade Pill Pocket Recipe
You can also make them in larger quantity using the 1:1:2 parts. For example - this amount makes about 30 pockets: 1/2 cup Milk 1/2 cup...
Idiopathic Head Tremors/Bobbing & Your Boxer
Many dog owners have to watch their precious friends suffer from idiopathic head tremors on a regular basis. This problem can make owners...
Reverse Sneezing - Yes its scary for us, but its gonna be okay.
Reverse sneezing (also called backwards sneezing or inspiratory paroxysmal respiration) is a phenomenon observed in dogs, particularly in...

Recipe for Skunk OdorRemoval From Your Dog
1 quart 3% Hydrogen Peroxide 1/4 cup Baking Soda 1 teaspoon liquid soap (Dawn Dishwashing Detergent is often recommended, but any dish...

Tear Stain Removal
Feed 1 1/2 to 2 tablespoons of pumpkin mix (not Pumpkin pie mix) daily.

Tick Removal (Safely)
A School Nurse has written the info below -- good enough toshare -- And it really works!! I had a pediatrician tell me what she believes...