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Protect Your Boxer From the Cold

As a short-haired breed, Boxers don't have much natural protection from cold weather, snow, or ice. If you're just letting your dog out for a quick potty break, most of the time they'll be fine as is. If your Boxer will be outside for more than 10 minutes or so at a time when the temperature is around or below freezing, consider a jacket or coat for him. Boxers aren't your usual "dress-up" dog, but when it's extremely cold they'll appreciate the extra warmth.

Keep Your Boxer's Feet Healthy

Salt and chemicals used to melt ice on driveways, roads, and sidewalks can irritate or burn your Boxer's feet. They may also ingest the chemicals if they lick their feet after a walk. Wipe your dog's feet clean after a walk, or consider doggie boots for her feet if she'll be taking long walks in the winter.

Even if your dog doesn't walk on treated surfaces, ice or crusty snow may cut or scrape her paws. Check your Boxer's feet thoroughly during their weekly grooming session; use a non-toxic emollient such as Bag Balm or Halo's Herbal Salve to soften irritated pads or soothe minor scrapes and cuts. Keep their nails short to minimize the chances of a nail breaking or tearing on a hard patch of ice.

Be Aware of Winter Holiday Safety Risks

The winter holidays can be risky for Boxers; their exuberance and curious natures lead them into more trouble than many other breeds! Holiday meals, leftovers, and garbage can lead to digestive upset. Christmas decorations and lighting may be a choking or electrocution hazard, while holiday plants and chocolate treats can be toxic. The commotion of gatherings and parties may cause your Boxer to become over-exited and injure someone, or bolt out the door during all the comings and goings. Keep your Boxer's schedule as normal as possible during the holidays, and keep him confined when you aren't able to supervise him closely.

Keeping your Boxer safe during the winter isn't complicated, but does require some advanced planning and extra precautions. Awareness of the risks puts you halfway toward avoiding them entirely.

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