Bump Of Knowledge???
The Bump Of Knowledge... Did you pup have one? Though the Boxer is a particularly smart breed of dog there is an idea that this knot is...

Exercising your puppy
Below is an X-ray of a 2 week old puppy. Look at how far the bones have to grow before they become a proper bony joint! This is why you...

Why I've Had a Change of Heart About Neutering Pets
Above is a link to her video of the transcript below if you would rather watch than read. Whenever I discuss scientific evidence related...

Teaching Your Pup Tug O War
Playing tug with your dog can provide a wonderful outlet for her natural canine urges to grab and pull on things with her mouth. You can...

Teaching Your Puppy to Play Fetch
Playing fetch is a great way to have fun with your dog and exercise him at the same time. If you’re lucky, your dog plays fetch...

The Boxer Ulcer
The very term indolent (slow to heal) gives a hint to the behavior of these Lesions. They are extremely lazy! Indolent corneal...

4 Tips For Training Deaf Boxers
I think most people forget that we teach our boxers our language whether it be English, Spanish, French, or Sign. Training a deaf boxer...
Is The Boxer Right For Me???
The Boxer is thought by many to be the ideal family dog for all. Others look at Boxers with their well muscled bodies, and jump to...

Retractable Leashes & Puppies - MUST READ
Where I live, I see a lot of dogs on retractable leashes. They are generally wandering pretty far from their owners, investigating...

Crate Training
Providing your puppy or dog with an indoor kennel or crate can satisfy many dogs' need for a den-like enclosure. Besides being an...